The current situation that China may soon be the beginning of a.k.a

China is in a serious trouble
China’s international media is like something is going to happen in China
convey the atmosphere
Nearly three years of harsh quarantine policy in China, the entire apartment and workplace city
Blocked without notice, without proper payment, by the Chinese authorities
The Chinese, who were complying with the quarantine policy, faced limitations and exploded in anger
Xi Jinping, who has just opened his third term in power all over the country, stepped down
It’s hard to find a voice in China
It’s a very rare phenomenon that happened in the past
It’s impossible

The notorious Chinese authorities’ quarantine policy on life insulted and damaged
No one is willing to explain, apologize, and take responsibility
The Chinese, who were tired of the endless quarantine policy, were told that the Communist Party was not responsible
As you become dissatisfied and distrustful, the quarantine policy is more harmful than the virus
It was enough to talk

In addition, the Chinese who watched the Qatar World Cup felt a sense of emptiness
While the audience in the screen is enjoying the festival without wearing a mask,
They’re in stark contrast to their situation, which is continuing to lead a life of life
I’ll find out

Also, when there are a lot of complaints, an incident of pouring oil occurs
A fire breaks out in a blocked apartment in Uighur, Xinjiang, China
More than 10 residents are killed. Blocked apartment doors prevent them from escaping
It is alleged that residents have died, sparking controversy among the Chinese
While the local fire chief was briefing on the fire,
Stimulating Chinese angry over comments blaming victims,
Thousands of Chinese citizens took to the streets of Shanghai to step down from the Communist Party and Xi Jinping
Demonstrations begin to spread throughout China as street demonstrations begin
In particular, university students across the country participate in the protest, and the protest is uncontrollable
spread throughout the country without

For three years, constant lockdowns and the authorities’ insulting COVID-19 quarantine
In addition, the economic crisis, such as the real estate crisis, which grew due to the bankruptcy crisis of the real estate Hungda Group,
The scale of the protests is increasing as a trigger for the Chinese people
In fact, China’s sudden crisis and collapse has been around for a long time
It was predicted by world political, economic, military experts
It was a situation
Nostradamus, the chief intelligence officer in the United States, in the 21st century
George Friedman, who is called George Friedman

He’s already been in the spotlight for coming out with this negative outlook on China
China will soon face the limit of its growth due to economic problems
In addition, internal conflict spreads and internal partial heat begins
55 ethnic minorities in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc
It explodes over the surface
I warned it could collapse in a flash
China has been facing economic confrontation with the U.S. for years and lack of semiconductor supply
Not only is the situation unusual, but it’s also a political way out of this crisis
It’s not going to be easy
Then the Chinese who had been quiet since the Tiananmen Square incident,
He’s suddenly pouring out into the street
What is the reason for the demonstration?
The questions mentioned above came to the surfaceBut
Chinese citizens come out on the streets with their discontent and distrust as they do now
I’ve never expressed it before
East and West Germany united and the Soviet Union collapsed
In a way, it was an instant
Just like a small incident triggered the whole thing to collapse in an instant
This demonstration must be a great event, and the Chinese people are suddenly
What is the reason for coming out on the street with courage and protest?
The reason is unexpectedly Korea
If you look at the modern history of Korea, it’s very dramatic and the main characters
People’s lives are really dramatic
I think all Koreans are great actors
Decades of Japanese Occupation and War Between Nationals divided into North and South
Re-entry into the developed world for the first time in decades
Koreans overcome the national crisis as if they were eating miracles
Dramas and movie music made by these dramatic people
the Korean Wave
It’s a natural result to be sweeping the world
It’s hard for the Korean people to see in Asia and in the history of the world
The only economic miracle
It’s not just an economic miracle, it’s an even more surprising thing for the world
It is the only democratic country that was completed by the civil revolution

Miracle modern history including half a thousand years of history and 500 years of Joseon
These constantly funny, amazing, and sad stories that our resentment creates
The world is immersed in this endless story, calling it the Korean Wave
The influence of the Korean Wave is beyond imagination
In China, the fact that the Korean Wave is itself a target of fear

Whether you’re in Korea or you’re out of the Korean Wave,
Through this Hallyu drama, movie, and music, the Chinese people are thinking about it
Recognizing the liberalization and democratization of civil revolution
That’s the thing that the Chinese Communist Party fears the most
In 1987, he started watching this movie illegally, such as taxi driver’s fancy vacation
As the number of Chinese increases, the Communist Party, which is hard to stop the Korean Wave, has issued a Korean-Korean decree
I’m desperately trying to stop it
a country of thieves through the Northeast Project
a culturally inferior country, etc
To speak ill of and to create hatred,
It can be seen that they are trying to increase their antipathy to the Korean Wave
Interference with Korean drama production through capital
Trying to perm down or distort Korean democracy itself
China’s Communist Party and vested interests are all trying to stop it
But the crisis and collapse that the Communist Party is afraid of,
I think it’s already started

The people are not what they used to be, they’re protesting against control
Leave the Communist Party alone
Xi Jinping calls out to stand down

In almost every city in China, the people’s protest once opened
The Communist Party is putting down the Tiananmen Square
We’ll see if it dies down like a flash of fire
China is changing rapidly now and it is clear that the impact of the Korean Wave is clear
And the Chinese people, among the miracles created by Koreans, are candlelight vigils
He may have admired and envied the same civil revolution the most
China’s crisis and problems are not just other people’s business
It has a huge impact on Korea
Korea’s dependence on exports to China
20,000 apartments owned by real estate Chinese in Korea
It’s time to think about the aftermath
Also, my parents’ generation came to me and protected me with their lives
The value of democracy
I think I should think about it again

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