a reason not to judge a person recklessly

image text translation

(1)ID Tilo wrote 2,000 won
(2)It’s already been 2 years since I went to the hospital
(3)Thanks to you, I can endure it

image text translation

(1)No, it’s platinum, but why am I silver?
(2)a pair of eyes
(3)(Laughing) (Laughing)
(4)100-401 Handmade Gogg restaurant introduction
(5)If your nose is big, is it true?
(6)0050 nEdapping Lucian. But Tefe and Bard 4
(7)0051nEdappingRussian proficiency level
(8)0053 midapping. Lucian, that’s kind of course
(9)0056 Lee Won Min Leona. Come on
(10)0100 Lee Kwon Min, trust Leona Sense
(11)0101 fart and lysine shhhhhh
(12)The chatroom
(13)Guys, why are you crying?

image text translation

(1)0101 Us and Lee Shin
(2)Who sympathizes with who!!

image text translation

(1)0101 Banggu Farm and Lysine Hot
(2)He could be a doctor

image text translation

(1)※ Tilo is a doctor for 2,000 won. Resident

image text translation


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