Chewy state lol

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(1)President Yoon of the Democratic Party, Morning God at 5 a.m.
(2)Are you sure you’re the one who reads the door?Incompetence and ignorance are no pride.
(3)Park Jae-hyung Input 2023191704
(5)The Minjoo Party
(6)Lee Kyung-jung, deputy spokesman for the Democratic Party of Korea, said in a commentary on January 9 that the incompetence and ignorance of the national leader are not a boast.
(7)Deputy spokesman Lee said, “Korean textbooks should be made into textbooks that read poetry and write emotions.” History textbooks should be made to watch audio-visual documentaries. Last week, President Yoon Suk Yeol said this at the Ministry of Education and Culture’s 2023 work report.

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(1)President Yoon is a frozen person who appeared on a glacier.
(2)He sarcastically asked if he was a time traveler who flew from there or if he was the one who woke up at 5 a.m. and read the morning paper.
(3)At the same time, President Yoon’s confident claims have already been applied at the school site for 10 to 20 years, and the president of the Republic of Korea did not have a home, so he could not make a subscription account. He added that he is sad that he did not seem to have improved at the level of ‘job hunting apps will be released in two to three years.’
(4)He appreciates the self-esteem of President Yoon Suk Yeol, who is proud of his ignorance. However, the incompetence and ignorance of national leaders in determining the fate of the nation is not a boast, and President Yoon Suk Yeol directly said, “Before pointing out curriculum education, at least look at textbooks and listen to education experts.”
(5)He also said, “The problem with incompetence is that I am not capable of recognizing it,” but criticized that the future of the country is dark if the national leader does not recognize his incompetence.

The head lol.

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