Being able to be pong pong…

image text translation

(1)Being able to be pong pong is not a good thing.
(2)Target s
(3)If you were born as an animal, the ugly ones who would have never been able to mate were born as human beings, so you can mate with pretty people even if you have economic power, not appearance.
(4)If you don’t like it, you can meet an ugly girl who looks like you.
(5)the new company’s goods
(6)Who’s the positive one?
(7)a new company
(8)Girls need to be pretty no matter what.
(9)Shinhan Bank’s j is going to go.
(10)First of all, you’re making a lot of money. You have to be a high-salary person to make a pongpong.
(11)I can’t even dream of a pong pong person.
(12)Yeocheon NCC – Hand
(13)No, pong pong needs to be able to do it.
(14)Korea Aerospace Industries
(15)Ichia, which is similar to a female mantis’ mating male prey.
(16)Is it?
(17)New company j
(18)What’s good? Marriage is based on the premise that I love the other person and the other person loves me, but if love is missing, it’s a fraud and it’s illegal in Korea to buy a pretty person’s castle with economic power. lol
(19)New company Ku
(20)What’s bad about Pongpong is that the next generation will be Pongpong’s children.
(21)Only talented people should have children.
(22)I don’t think it’s a good idea to ask anything back.
(23)Start-up · My
(24)Am I happy to be treated like an ATM?


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