Parking Tower Crash Death

image text translation

(1)Residents who drove home by proxy crashed into the parking tower…Police X Net
(2)Deaths of residents in parking lot
(3)Accident after proxy driving home
(4)Precautions for Parking
(5)Busan ○○ Apartment Parking Tower
(6)Looks like the machine’s on board.
(7)40’s Fell Because of Parking… Accident after proxy driving home
(8)a parking lot and a residential crash
(9)a resident of an apartment building
(10)Usually, chauffeur service drivers get off the car.But he left a drunk man in the car.
(11)Get in the car and the parking tower is working…Presumptive accident while getting off
(12)The empty parking tower in the middle must be turned off and operated.
(13)Parking available vehicle
(14)Investigate the driver of the follow-up vehicle, etc. of the police substitute driver.

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(1)A-Victim Death
(2)B-Representative engineer
(4)The contents of the article below and the results of Kingly Godsim inference.
(5)Driver B drove A’s car and drove to the parking tower and woke him up, but A didn’t get up.
(6)A’s car hasn’t been parked yet.
(7)Driver B has to take the next call, so he leaves A in the car and returns.
(8)A’s vehicle still not parked
(9)Resident C was supposed to get his car in, but he found it was not cleared.
(10)I received and disposed of A’s vehicle.
(11)I didn’t think there was anyone inside the car.
(12)After that, resident C, who ordered A’s vehicle, ordered his car and returned home.
(13)After waking up, A opened the passenger’s door and got off.
(14)Without a floor, they fall from the sky and die.
(15)Resident D who discovered this will report it. That’s it’s over.


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