North Korea’s Kim family has entered the public for the third generation.jpg

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(1)North Korea’s Kim family’s thoughts on China
(2)China has four pockets.
(3)We don’t know what’s in it.Don’t trust China.
(4)China is trying to bring yellow wind into us.
(5)Don’t believe that China is a worse country than the United States far away.
(6)China is our enemy for a thousand years old enemy.

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(1)the chamber’s secretary
(2)Use the power of a nuclear storm.
(3)Obtaining the Professor’s Documents of Kansai University in Japan
(4)They actually threaten China with nuclear missiles.
(5)That’s what I’m saying. I’ll be there until I go with China.
(6){NEWS coverage file

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(1)in a meeting with one’s aides
(2)If Japan is the enemy of 100 years,
(3)China has been an enemy for a thousand years.

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(1)Pompeo says he needs the U.S. Forces Korea because of the threat from Kim Jong Un.
(2)Input 20230125 AM 622 Article ID

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(1)”Former Minister Pompeo said Kim Jong-un needs Americans in South Korea to protect him from the Chinese Communist Party, and the Chinese Communist Party needs the U.S. withdrawal to treat the Korean Peninsula like Tibet or Xinjiang,” he said.
(2)Based on the conversation, former Secretary Pompeo said, “Kim Jong-un needed protection from China, and North Koreans do not hate the increase in U.S. missiles and ground forces on the Korean Peninsula.”

1. Don’t give up on nuclear missiles.

2. Most wary of China’s absorption and unification

3. The USFK will not be absorbed and unified by China.

4. If the regime is threatened, it will show that nuclear missiles can be fired not only to the United States but also to China.

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