It’s the first time that the package hasn’t been delivered for this long.

I got a holiday gift through Kakao Talk.

Since the day is late, I entered the address on the 18th.

I thought I’d get it after the holidays.

It hasn’t come yet. It’s been stopped since the 26th.

I’m sorry you didn’t call me about the damage or the loss. (Laughs]

It’s Hallabong, so if it’s stored at a proper temperature, it won’t be a problem.

I’m afraid it’ll freeze in sub-zero weather.

image text translation

(1)discovery of a gift
(2)The product is currently being delivered.
(3)New Year’s Blessed Topper Gift Raton Red Scent 24 kg Order Date 20230118
(4)Songpa Office
(5)Receiving during delivery
(6)Okcheon Logistics Center
(7)Forwarding during delivery

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