High school girl with scoliosis jpg

image text translation

(1)The Secret of Life and Death
(2)yyyy, the secret of the old soldier
(3)Han Jimin’s 17th second daughter
(4)I used to go to the emergency room a lot because I had a stomachache, but if I go to the hospital and take an X-ray
(5)The second son who had surgery because of scoliosis
(6)Han Seoyeon’s 15th daughter
(7)I was worried about scoliosis
(8)The youngest who’s worried about scoliosis
(9)the secret of life and death
(10)suffering from scoliosis
(11)555 in the case of having a brother
(12)Scoliosis in 446 girls with a sister
(13)It also happens to brothers and sisters with a high probability
(14)List of stars
(15)Three sisters who came to the hospital for examination
(17)It’s not just bending to the side, but it’s rotating as well
(18)My organs were all twisted according to the transformation
(19)The Secret of Life and Death
(20)Second, I’m taking care of it after surgery
(21)My shoulder is killing me.
(23)My first daughter X-ray
(24)a living organism
(25)My first daughter’s scoliosis is getting worse
(27)Third daughter X-ray
(28)I’m seeing some signs of a spine bending
(29)Lee Byung-ho, professor of orthopedics at Catholic Kwandong University International St. Mary’s Hospital
(30)I was worried about the youngest member because he didn’t grow
(31)He’s going to grow a lot and he’s likely to develop scoliosis accordingly
(32)The youngest needs to be tested every three months
(33)the cost of a life tax
(34)Lastly, comparing the spine of the three sisters


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