How are the tent people doing

image text translation

(1)KBS in Ulsan
(2)an issue at a glance
(3)April 14, 2023
(4)Even after repeatedly cleaning and cleaning for years, I’ve been struggling
(5)KBS News Ministry of the Interior and Safety Expanding Health Assessment in Financial Analysis of Local Governments Incheon 146
(6)14 gold
(7)an official of a community organization
(8)They can eat it and throw it away, but they throw it away in the bathroom, so it’s crazy. When I turn around, it’s stuck
(9)If we clean it, we’ll complain that it’s blocked and not cleaned. The KBS News Supreme Court Prosecutor General and the Central District Prosecutors’ Office should disclose the details of special activity expenses
(10)Gwangju 1279
(11)Ulsan Dong-gu Office Official Voice Modulation
(12)When I do guidance, they clean up the tent. When it gets better
(13)Some people hit it, and some people didn’t go to tents in bad condition. There were some stored in warehouses for years. KBS Ulsan HD Hyundai Heavy Industries Co-growth Committee and 30 excellent ESG partners were selected
(14)Yeosu 144
(15)February 15, 2022
(16)Hagihyun 20247


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