Spouse jobs that doctors avoid

image text translation

(1)2 hours of flirting and dating AHA jiliiili
(2)Everyone knows the word “Gansuyu Yuegien”
(3)He’s the doctor
(4)He said that it’s true among professionals
(5)You said a man in his 30s would know everything
(6)Doctors usually trust someone who has a low occupation
(7)I’m sure it’s a filter
(8)Men in their 30s know everything
(9)But when I heard that, I woke up after seeing the guy I was dating again
(10)Will you regret it if you break up with someone
(11)Until this happened, we were good friends and people were fine

image text translation

(1)Liver Nursing Assistant Moussa Stewardess
(2)an international student as a kindergarten student
(3)an art and physical education worker
(4)Christianity, especially matriarchy
(5)NNP Neurophychiatric Neuropsychiatric Psychiatric Thinking
(6)Teachers, especially elementary school teachers
(7)a florist
(8)a Pilates instructor
(9)Hair designer
(10)Yes, nail art
(11)a cafe employee

It’s all Bs and Ss

Doctors, judges, prosecutors, memorabilia, you’re gonna need 10 billion of your father-in-law

the idea of being caught in everything

Tears are blocking my eyes when I see that I forged my balance to get Gunhee’s mother-in-law’s prosecutor’s committee

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