Pannie Bottle, who advises 29-year-old unemployed people that age is just a number

Pannie Bottle, who advises 29-year-old unemployed people that age is just a number

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(1)I’m too old

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(1)I’m so
(2)I don’t know how to do anything

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(1)Don’t say things like this

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(1)I think it’s a life of failure

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(1)That’s what I’ve been thinking

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(1)It’s not like that

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(1)Think about it in various ways

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(1)Age is really
(2)I don’t think it matters

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(1)In this generation

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(1)Look at me. I’m old
(2)There’s nothing anyone doesn’t like

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(1)I tried this and that
(2)I got one and got caught

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(1)I felt this a lot when I was abroad

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(1)A person’s life is
(2)It’s so diverse

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(1)There are many ways

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(1)In Peru and Bolivia

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(1)- Alpaca and llamas… While shepherding

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(1)Whether you’re happy or not
(2)I don’t know, but I’m doing well

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(1)Someone becomes a cook
(2)· I’m living well

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(1)Some of you are in a Mexican amusement park

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(1)I’m doing well as a safety guard

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(1)It’s so diverse
(2)There’s a life

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(1)In Korea

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(1)10 Generalists’ explanation of the factors of change is that they’re opening up
(2)The founder effect is a phenomenon in which the estimation system remains unchanged
(3)I was forced to answer

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(1)As I get older
(2)I have a lot of fear

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(1)But that thought

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(1)You have to take it off quickly

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(1)There’s a way to live

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(1)I’m 29 years old and unemployed
(2)You’re my life role model

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(1)at such an age
(2)Don’t dwell on it

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