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(1)Excite News Top Excite
(2)Today’s news
(3)News China Japan asks why they bake dumplings Japan China asks why Chinese people bake dumplings
(4)A Chinese who asks why Japanese people bake dumplings A Japanese who asks why Chinese people boil = China
(5)China News Ranking
(6)This is the Chinese dish of Japanese people’s life! I’m convinced that even the Chinese don’t eat it China
(7)December 15, 2019. 1112
(8)It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a national food in Japan, but it is common to have dumplings on the menu in restaurants and taverns, including dumpling ramen shops, and there are several kinds of frozen food dumplings in supermarkets According to a survey conducted by research firm My VoiceCom, 913 Japanese people answered that they liked dumplings, and 366 people
(9)Korea that eats both. 3149
(10)China, the world’s most delicious country on CNN, is ranked second
(11)Chinese media published an article introducing that the Japanese like grilled dumplings Image photo provided 123RF search or 1 image
(12)They said they eat it two to three times a month Especially men
(13)Why Japanese People Are Crazy About Dumplings
Why do you cook dumplings in China and Japan
Why do you cook dumplings in Japan and China
image text translation
You can’t eat both in Korea