You have to fall into a deep sleep to grow tall

image text translation

(1)Between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m., the growth hormone
(2)I heard it comes out the most. Please find out if it’s truecrying
(3)I heard this a lot when I was young
(4)to begin with
(5)My mom smacked me on the back
(6)Going to bed early
(7)Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency National Health Information Portal
(8)Source: National Health Information Portal for Disease Control
(9)Notification information and health news
(10)It is said that it has little to do with growth hormones
(11)It is true that the secretion of growth hormone increases during sleep But most of the research so far is not about the relationship between sleep and biorhythm. Growth is the only environment where children sleep late and don’t have much time to exercise due to school classes and after-school academy studies!There’s no medical reason to say that you have to enter the intestines The American Academy of Sleep Studies has found that children have more to do with sleep quality than with more than nine hours of sleep a day Even if it’s a short sleep, I’ll try to sleep deeply and comfortably
(12)When we were sleeping
(13)secreted by the pituitary gland
(14)The amount of growth hormone secreted is
(15)It’s not about when I mean time
(16)How well you can sleep
(17)be a very important factor
(18)the stage of sleep
(19)West wave water surface
(20)The human sleep cycle doesn’t stay constant
(21)I have a deep mole and a shallow sleep several times
(22)West wave water surface
(23)go through irregular steps
(24)What’s important for growth is
(25)Sleep deeply and slow brain waves appear
(26)It’s a stage that we call the West Sudan in technical terms
(27)Among them, in the first stage of the slow wave
(28)I sleep the longest and deepest
(29)This is the time
(30)It’s golden time full of growth hormones
(31)The growth hormone that is secreted in a day
(32)- Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital Suwon Center
(33)About 70 to 80
(34)- this number
(35)the early stages of deep sleep
(36)- Lee Han-moon, Director of the Community Service Center at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital –
(37)On the surface of Seopa
(38)- Lee Hyang-woon sleeps at the sleep center of Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital
(39)01 will be released. 1000
(40)- Lee Hyang-woon, head of the sleep center at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital –
(41)Especially after an hour of sleep
(42)It’s starting to secrete
(43)- Sleep at the sleep center of Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital in Chinese characters
(44)88 Within 13 hours
(45)I get this the most in society
(46)- Lee Hang-moon, head of the sleep center at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital. –
(47)The amount of growth hormone secreted at this time
(48)It’s proportional to the time of slow wave sleep
(49)There’s a lot of research
(50)To keep the West wave sleep longer
(51)I sleep regularly to the biorhythm
(52)You need to secure quality sleep time
(53)I was stressed out all day
(54)I’m mentally devastated
(55)It’s already 10pm
(56)It means you don’t grow tall when you fall asleep
(57)The fact that growth hormones only come out at certain times
(58)Would you have died if you slept with the fan on? If you sleep with the fan on, you’ll die of suffocation. If you sleep with the fan on, you’ll die in an enclosed space like a ghost story. Why do you believe that
(60)Source: GIPHY
(61)It was a false myth
(62)But sleep experts say
(63)I stress that constant regularity is very important
(64)When you fall asleep, your biorhythm breaks
(65)It doesn’t guarantee slow wave sleep
(66)It needs to be released intensively
(67)It reduces growth hormone
(68)I didn’t get enough sleep
(69)If the amount of growth hormone is low
(70)Mimi – Lee Hang-moon, head of the sleep center at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital –
(71)Not just the heart
(72)Will it affect your final kidney
(73)It drives me crazy
(74)- Lee Hyang-woon, head of the sleep center at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital
(75)I found out about this while I was covering it
(76)Even when adults sleep
(77)It is said that growth hormones are secreted
(78)Unfortunately, the growth plate is closed
(79)It’s not that I’m getting taller
(80)Fat metabolism and fatigue recovery
(81)have a positive effect
(82)If you sleep tight, there’s a high risk of gaining weight
(83)I didn’t eat much
(84)If you feel like you’re gaining weight
(85)Your sleeping pattern
(86)The total amount of stress before going to sleep
(87)You have to doubt it
(88)I sleep a lot in the west
(89)In case of 10001 adults
(90)This growth hormone is fat metabolism
(91)Energy control. Hol
(92)I was involved in this
(93)- Lee Hyang-woon, head of the sleep center at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital – Child
(94)so that fat doesn’t accumulate
(95)- Lee Hyang-woon, Sleep Center at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital
(96)He helps me
(97)If you can’t sleep well
(98)- Lee Hyang-woon, head of the sleep center at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital
(99)66 – Especially in adults
(100)Lee Hyang-woon, head of the sleep center at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital –
(101)You’re exposed to the risk of obesity
(102)Sleep that helps you grow up is
(103)Rather than when I sleep
(104)How you sleep is more important
(105)The genes I inherited
(106)It doesn’t have much to do with height
(107)The sooner you realize it
(108)Another alternative must be sought
(109)These days, starting with this and that
(110)Even surgery to extend the limbs extension of the limbs
(111)There are a lot of strange ways
(112)I eat a lot when I need to grow up
(113)a steady exercise that stimulates the growth plate
(114)I think it’s a good idea to try to sleep in the west
(115)I think it’s a reasonable choice


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