Review of 10 o’clock sharp sleep for 6 months

image text translation

(1)For the past 6 months, Miracle Morning at 10 or 5 in the morning
(2)a review of one’s experience
(3)waking up refreshed in the morning
(4)Become healthy and maintain a good condition
(5)Increased work efficiency
(6)the disappearance of insomnia
(7)an appetizing appetite
(8)It’s not hard even when you work out because you eat a lot
(9)Everything funny in the world happens while I’m sleeping

I go to bed at 10, but I wake up at 7. I’m still tired

image text translation

(1)M Touching Person 2023-07-01115430
(2)If you sleep a little after dinner, you wake up early in the morning
(3)Seo Hachim ●● 10
(4)Recommended reply
(5)Purple Juice 2023-07-01 134536
(6)It’s touching
(7)Best 2
(8)If I sleep at 10, I wake up around 3, but I’m on the 7th
(9)Taeng-i-jja-eung 2023-07-01 154822
(10)For those of you who can’t sleep, let me tell you
(11)4 hours and 30 minutes
(12)7 hours and 30 minutes
(13)When a person sleeps, he or she can wake up refreshed
(14)It’s sleeping time. Sleep more or less here
(15)If you sleep, you become normal

I can’t believe I can sleep at 10

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