I expected a seasonal business because it was worse than the COVID-19 period, but I looked sad

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(1)● a valley that has been cut off from the rainy season to the flood
(2)Reporter Kang Min-woo Will we be able to win the war against the largest number of consecutive drugs in history

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(1)Hansu-myeon, Jecheon-si, Chungcheongbuk-do

It’s a valley in Hansu-myeon, Jecheon-si

It used to be crowded with water players every summer, but it’s hard to find people this year

This year’s valley water is clearer than ever and the quantity is abundant, so it’s perfect to play, but there are fewer people than during the COVID-19 period

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(1)From here, Lee Ye-na, Jungangtap-myeon, Chungju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do
(2)Last year, there were a lot of people with mats in front of them
(3)There were so many people in this valley
(4)Audience Participation Twitter and Facebook SBS8news

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(1)I think there are fewer people now than last year
(2)Operation of the viewer video report section on the SBS news app website participating by viewers

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(1)Yoo Young-jin, a merchant
(2)I think it’s much worse than COVID-19
(3)The reason is… Of course, there’s a rainy season, too
(4)Major News Japan Defense White Paper For 19 years, Dokdo is forced to Japan’s land

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(1)But if the weather is this nice, since it’s vacation
(2)A lot of kids should come, but they’re not coming at all
(3)Major News The government immediately withdraws from the Japanese defense white paper claiming Dokdo’s sovereignty

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(1)Half of vacationers’ visits…Existing reservations are being canceled one after another

Merchants believe the long rainy season in July and the aftermath of the flood have cut off visits to the valley

Water users are less than half of the previous year’s level, and existing reservations are being canceled one after another

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(1)Cafe Latte – 60 Aids 60
(2)Made by Leon Apple Mango Strawberry Staphylococcus aureus Blue
(3)Vanilla Latte -60
(4)Handmade Wildflower Tea
(5)Kang Hye-young runs a cafe
(6)Compared to last year, we don’t have half of the customers this yearSo I’ve given up on my business this year

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(1)Operation of Kwon Ok-bun’s accommodation
(2)For those who made reservations, they cancel 30 times. And for me
(3)If the weather is nice, reservations come in right away, but there’s no reservation

Merchants fully prepared to welcome vacationers after COVID-19

I’m worried if I’m going to end my business like this


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