When I see people who never cheat on me

image text translation

(1)Bla bla 6 hours Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education
(2)But when I see people who never cheat on me
(3)I think there are a lot of people who are a bit inflexible and unattractive
(4)I think cheating kids are more attractive
(5)I’m not the type that says I don’t cheat [Laughing]
(6)That’s why I don’t think I can meet people who are not as flexible and funny as me
(8)Why do you think cheating kids are attractive
(9)Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education
(10)You have to be funny and attractive to cheat on me
(11)● Yuhan-Kimberly
(12)You don’t know what you’re talking about. Is it interesting and attractive to someone who doesn’t think about betraying and hurting others and selfishly just excrete his own desires
(13)But objectively speaking, it’s not good to look around
(14)”Even if your girlfriend cheated on you, I met someone who was full of charms!”
(15)I can move on
(16)Good, 20
(17)No, it’s not that sound;
(18)Good. 1
(19)It sounds like that. What are you talking about
(20)Good. 38
(21)Green Web Services
(22)I think it’s the wind that you can bloom whenever you want
(23)Ordinary people don’t act even if they’re shaken sometimes
(24)Don’t make cheating people funny and attractive
(25)Good. 35
(26)It’s the difference between eating and not eating
(27)I think you’re right, but it’s easy to cheat if you have a lot of temptation
(28)LOL I wrote it thinking it was right to some extent, but everyone thinks differently
(29)Kakao Mobility
(30)I’m confused between causality and correlation
(31)Good. 5
(32)Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education
(33)I’ll never cheat on you = There’s a high probability of knowing that = It’s not fun
(34)I think it’s possible to cheat on a relationship like this
(35)I’m not saying it’s good
(36)If you want to be relevant, the relationship is
(37)It’s true that you don’t cheat if you’re honest and you don’t cheat if you’re not honest
(38)It should hurt
(39)If you’re not honest, you’re right to cheat
(40)It’s not like this. It’s already divided
(41)If you want to cheat on someone, you have to be a kid, charming, and not
(42)With three variables, 33 are attractive or not
(43)Make a procession, make a protocol, how weird are you talking about
(44)You’ll know if there is
(45)If you’re honest, you don’t cheat, and if you get hit
(46)If you hold the wind, you’ll get hit by the ground
(47)This is not true
(48)Korea Exchange
(49)Bad guy, bad guy. He’s using his favorite pushover like this. LOL. Woman
(50)Good. 3
(51)What are you talking about
(52)Good. 6


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