The reason for the prosecution’s

image text translation

(1)Breaking news. I don’t know why I called Lee Jae-myung
(2)All…I can’t give you proof.”
(3)Input 20230912 629 PM Article Original
(4)One price

image text translation

(1)Follow me right away
(2)I don’t know why I called Lee Jae-myung, who just finished the investigation
(3)”I don’t know Kim Sungtae.”
(4)The prosecution called the leader of the fasting opposition twice, but twice
(5)The subpoena investigation has been maliciously leaked to the media
(6)It confirmed that there was no basis at all to support the stories
(7)September 12, 2023 · 635 PM Views 2053

The prosecution should pile up the crime with a steady compound interest

Don’t beg me to save you later

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