Another natural tooth! A wisdom tooth transplant is a blessing
If you can’t save your teeth, if you have a wisdom tooth, of course, it’s a wisdom tooth transplant
Advantages of wisdom tooth transplantation
It functions just like my teeth It’s like getting a new life from an organ transplant
The feeling of chewing is the same as the original teeth
It’s less expensive to treat than implants
There’s less food than implants
a real case
a patient in his 60s who visited the hospital with a molar in his upper teeth that could not be treated due to completely broken rootsSurgery is similar to normal dental extraction No hospitalization or general anesthesia is required, and both extraction and re-establishment takes place within about an hour
You can return home immediately after the procedure and do activities such as driving
There is no restriction on gender age
Most of the teeth recommended for extraction can be indications for intentional reproductive techniques Please consult a specialist before you remove your teeth
However, depending on the condition of the teeth, the procedure may not be possible