Asian Target Crimes Are Rising in the U.S

image text translation

(1)subtitle news
(2)An Asian man is walking to his front door
(3)But two black men with their faces covered ran from behind
(4)He threatened me with a gun
(5)He shoots an electric shocker and the man falls down screaming
(6)These criminals took away their wallets and keys to their smartphones
(7)I ran away
(8)Kim Khanban, a spokesman for the victim’s family
(9)My family is scared and terrified, and I can’t do the interview with them because I’m afraid they’ll show up again and do the same thing
(10)In southern Seattle, I’m so proud of the Asian community
(11)Caption News ·
(12)Thirteen consecutive crimes have been committed since June
(13)subtitle news
(14)Police say the suspects are identified as about seven black teenagers
(15)A 10-year-old was threatened with a gun
(16)He was taken into the house
(17)President of Maria Bataola District Council
(18)She’s quiet and doesn’t fight back. She’s weak
(19)I think it’s becoming an engineering award because of prejudice
(20)Asian civic groups are not the only ones who are they
(21)I urged them to come up with measures
(22)The police said they were aiming for the weak
(23)We don’t acknowledge the possibility of racist crimes
(24)Seattle City has been a police officer with nearly 10 billion won in our money in the last two years
(25)We cut the budget, and since then, robberies and murders
(26)I’m suffering from physical ailments as it’s increased by more than 20 years


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