The posture where the clogged poop comes out right away

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(1)I sat in this position on the toilet and I got a stuck poop right away!
(2)Jung Eun Ji Input 2023 1115 1546 Modified 2023 1115 1553
(3)▼ 8 gold pieces
(4)A Singaporean specialist told me that if you get drunk when you have constipation, you’ll get a good stool posture

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(1)If you are suffering from constipation, I recommend that you try this posture It’s not a proper posture to sit on the toilet, but it’s worth trying in that it can come out in one shot with clogged stool Photo = New York Post Coverage Captured_Daria Co., Ltd
(2)TikTok video of Doveskaya defecating when she has deep constipation

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This posture doesn’t help

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