Third-generation real-loss insurance increases by 18 next year on average

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(1)※At the bottom of the greeting, the company called Volcano Love is the company
(2)Chung-Ang University Hospital
(3)NH Nonghyup > As a KBS doctor, I have received a test, electrocardiogram, radiation, or abnormal medication from a doctor within 5 years of regular drug use within 3 months of including literature drug use
(4)Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd
(5)Within five years
(6)Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd
(7)the ability to chew a language
(8)post office insurance
(9)Third-generation real-loss insurance increases by 18 next year on average
(10)a news report

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(1)Insolvency insurance premiums increased again
(2)Increase to 89 in 1422023 in 2022

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(1)Insolvency insurance premiums increased again

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(1)Insolvency insurance premiums increased again
(2)2024 Average Adjustment of Insolvency Medical Insurance Premiums
(3)0 Freeze

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(1)Insolvency insurance premiums increased again
(2)a 40-year-old man
(3)3rd generation loss insurance subscription
(4)2023 and 2024
(5)16191 won 1,9154 won
(6)Source Non-life Insurance Association

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(1)Insolvency insurance premiums increased again
(2)Third-generation loss insurance loss ratio
(3)Sourced Insurance Research Institute
(4)2017 and 2023

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(1)Insolvency insurance premiums increased again
(2)Jung Sung-hee, head of the Industrial Research Center at the Korea Insurance Institute
(3)For the 12th generation, you’ve spent several years paying double-digit premiums
(4)I’ve been adjusting it, so I’ll cut the first generation starting next year
(5)And for the second generation, it’s possible to adjust a little bit by one increase

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(1)Insolvency insurance premiums increased again
(2)3rd Generation Subscribers 24…Subscribers 71 raise premiums
(3)News report 027814444

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(1)Insolvency insurance premiums increased again
(2)Video editing by Kim Ki Gon
(3)Q KBS report


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