The person Admiral Yi Sun-shin hated the most

image text translation

(1)Business inquiry 106
(3)the taste of war
(4)In my diary
(5)Wonkyun is severely criticized
(6)Yi Sun-shin’s anger towards Wonkyun
(7)go on a shady run
(8)On the outside, a soft and honest look, but on the inside, it is defiant and insidious

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(1)Even after being framed and being tortured and imprisoned in prison
(2)He just says he went to prison and ends it calmly
(3)Wonkyun hated me directly enough to be mentioned in a bad way in my diary
(4)Looking at this, there is certainly irreparable garbage

image text translation

(1)You’ve been so giddy that you have to gather the heads of the dead Japanese enemies and report them to the top
(2)Why are they wearing Japanese clothes even though they are fine Koreans who sent back Korean prisoners to improve their imageI killed it and killed this much of the Japanese enemies. I reported to the top that it’s non-recyclable garbage. Move 1
(3)Ghost Moon 2023-12-23 225540
(4)Why do you keep sucking the scraps that you call yourself descendants


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