How is the woman who broke her ankle and said she didn’t hurt at all 11 months later

image text translation

(1)I’ve never broken anything in my 20 years of life
(2)I broke my leg, and I put a steel core in it. This is a review of the fracture for big data
(3)I fell down on the ice one night in January this year
(4)As soon as I fell down, I thought, “Oh, what’s this? What’s this pain?”
(5)I was so sick that I took a taxi home
(6)I’m going on a trip with my friends the next day
(7)I’m going to pack my things and go to bed
(8)My ankle hurt so much
(9)My ankle is swollen this much;;;;
(10)I put on pain relief patches and sleep thinking that my ligament is stretched
(11)The next day, I woke up and took the bus
(12)Walking limp and taking an X-ray of orthopedic surgery
(13)How did you get to your hospital
(14)I’ll take the bus
(15)You walked alone. – Yes
(16)How did you come here? Your bone is broken
(17)Look at the screen
(18)This isn’t mine My ligament is stretched
(19)This is the patient’s X-ray. She’s broken her bone
(20)This is a serious condition. You have to get surgery
(21)I’m not that sick, but I have to travel today
(22)She’s not traveling. She’s in college for surgery
(23)You have to go to the hospital
(24)It sounded like a bolt from the blue
(25)First, I got a cast like an ankle protector and crutches
(26)She drove me to Korea University Hospital
(27)I can’t walk because it’s too late
(28)wheelchair boarding
(29)I’m going to the emergency room on Saturday
(30)X-ray and wait
(31)emergency general shooting room
(32)a radiation zone
(33)Please achieve it
(34)Emergency CT and
(35)Departing Busan 45
(36)E.R. is based on the patient’s condition
(37)I’m in the emergency room
(38)It was the mildest, so I waited for more than an hour to sit down
(39)I was supposed to drink after that, but I didn’t want to go because they didn’t do it
(40)A fractured foot, a wooden order
(41)This is a simple operation, so I’ll connect you to another hospital. Look at the source
(43)falling ill
(44)It’s far from home, and the pathology interview is not good
(45)So I’ll go to another hospital
(46)I heard that you’re good at orthopedic surgery for 20 minutes by car. I was hospitalized at the bar in the evening and came here for x-ray CT, etc
(47)It was a medium-sized hospital
(48)I’m going into surgery tomorrow, so I don’t know what time I’m going to eat, but I’m just rolling around, but a nurse suddenly comes in and pulls in the number of patients
(50)Let’s put it on
(52)I’m going to the operating room looking at the ceiling
(53)I’m starting to cry all of a sudden. I don’t usually cry, but I’m nervous and scared
(54)Entering the O.R
(55)Move me to the bed in the O.R
(56)Shrimp sleeping position
(57)He said he’d inject a lower-body anesthetic into his spine
(58)It’s a needle, but it’s too thick and big
(59)If you were scared, you’d start to cry, and you’d get that shot, and you’d be drunk. Of course
(60)I’ll go to sleep first
(61)I didn’t do it
(62)It’s painful to come in
(64)It’s also a man who feels awkward and feels like he’s sitting on the floor
(65)You said it’s going to be sweet
(66)Any feeling
(67)I checked that it was anesthetized, got some sleep anesthetics, and fell asleep, but the surgery was over
(68)When I woke up, I was so cold that I was dragged back to the bed and came back to the hospital room. The nurse said that I should never move my head, as well as my body, for six hours because I was drunk
(69)So, I’m going to watch a movie with my phone holder
(70)falling asleep
(71)It doesn’t taste good after eating six hours
(72)It’s gonna hurt a lot if you break the anesthesia
(73)I have painless injections connected, so I’m told to press it whenever I’m sick
(74)But I’m usually calm and can’t feel the pain well. Even my friends call me Bbti is also Istp. Park Myung-soo himself
(75)as a bonus
(76)I didn’t press a single shot even though I was in extreme pain, but the friends who came to see me pressed it several times saying it was a waste of money
(78)It doesn’t hurt the next day either
(79)Hospital food is not good. It’s not good
(80)I’m going to eat and get a spray treatment
(81)I’m gonna pull a phlegm wheelchair, unwind it, and I’m gonna be my operator
(82)a powerful nation

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(1)a sense of clemency
(2)Taking an X-ray
(3)There are 9 pins
(4)The doctor said it would take two to three months to walk
(5)a surgical site a few days later
(6)I dragged a wheelchair around for a few days
(7)Some of the nurses we got close to
(8)Correct the length of the crutches and teach them how to measure them properly
(9)It was fun when I was on crutches
(10)How to go up the crutches on YouTube
(11)Practice hard at the hospital exit while searching
(12)I’ve been using crutches for 3 days. It’s like my legs
(13)It was the last hospital room, but I kept on crutches
(14)I went to the nursing station and ate snacks and played with the nursing teachers
(15)The teachers called me a master of crutches. I was proud
(16)I was supposed to be hospitalized for two weeks
(17)I was so frustrated that I begged the doctor
(18)Discharged in a week
(19)Seam removal after 2 weeks of surgery
(20)It didn’t hurt to remove the thread
(21)I was at home in the middle of it
(22)I was so excited that the package came, so I dragged my chair and went out
(23)The right thumb was swept on the front door and torn
(24)Fortunately, it wasn’t to the point where it was tied up
(25)It’s a bit too big
(26)I’ll go to the hospital within a week
(27)With your left ankle
(28)Dhamming every other dayLOL
(29)What a good thing to happen
(30)You hurt your two feet
(31)I posted it on the story
(32)My friends are crazy. I’m scaredLOLPositive
(33)You’re useless
(34)30 days of drinking
(35)After the surgery, I took a shower in the bath chair every day
(36)When I didn’t use my left foot, I felt like the electricity was rising as soon as I stepped on the moon!to rise up in limbo
(37)at the bottom of the door
(38)And then
(39)I was like, “What is it?” I took a shower, walked, walked, walked, and walked. I was like, “What is it?” and just walked from that day. LOL
(40)There’s a doctor
(42)6th and Park Joo-Byung-G
(43)Just walk in without a guard
(44)How can I walk in I’m walking over there. I mean, you’re a young man
(45)Is it like that
(46)Go, go, go, go, go
(47)It was around the same time, but now I can’t even get it
(48)㈜ Hahaha I’m going to walk
(49)The doctor said it was amazing, and the doctor suddenly brought the doctor
(51)Look at my patient. He brags that he’s already walking. The doctors and nurses clapped. I felt like I was a baby who was seen and applauded at a birthday party
(52)The doctor said we’d like to have iron removal surgery in a year. If you get hurt in this leg again, you can’t use your hands then, so you have to have it removed. See you next year. Come back
(53)X-ray on this day

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(1)And from the second month of surgery
(2)I started climbing, swimming, and working out again
(3)It didn’t hurt and it didn’t feel any different from before
(4)My left ankle got a little tight when I was swimming
(5)Time flies. November
(6)I’m unemployed
(7)Now that you’re jobless, let’s get rid of the iron core
(8)I went to the hospital
(9)Doctor Sam wants to have surgery at the end of January because it hasn’t been a year yet
(10)No, do it in early January
(11)Well, I’m busy at the beginning of the year, but I have a seminar
(12)He watches his calendar on his computer
(13)Nothing on the January schedule
(14)There’s nothing there Please do it for me.
(15); I didn’t input it yet. Okay
(16)But it’s very resilient, so I’ll make it special
(17)Set an operation date for early January
(18)Iron core removal requires 3-4 weeks of hospitalization
(19)It’s going to be possible in three days at the earliest
(20)One day, I thought about it
(21)I’m jobless, but I think I should do it right away
(22)Call the hospital
(23)Can I have surgery tomorrow
(24)Not tomorrow Let’s go next week
(25)So, last Sunday
(26)in a sense of hospital
(27)Fasting starts at 12 o’clock
(28)Make sure you brush your teeth before surgery
(29)You can’t smoke gum candy
(30)You can’t eat anything with water in your mouth
(31)I won’t tell you the surgery time again
(32)I’m walking around the hospital alone
(33)The nurse came running
(34)Patient!!!!!! I have to go to surgery!!!!!!!
(35)Oh, let’s go
(36)I was going to walk, so I had to lie down on the bed
(37)Let’s go back to the hospital room
(38)And then the operating room is dragged into the bed
(39)Lying down in the operating room, anesthetizing the lower part of the body
(40)It was not scary but calm
(41)When I woke up, the surgery was over
(42)I came back and couldn’t do anything for 6 hours. Spacing out
(43)I’ll take it to you because you can move around for six hours
(44)cotton call bell nu wheel cherr
(45)So I said yes
(46)Did you wake up? I want to go
(47)I just drooled and went down to the gel and washed the bathroom
(49)When I came to the bathroom
(50)Well, I was thinking that I was going to walk right away
(51)Put it in
(52)Pressing it because it doesn’t hurt at all
(53)I woke up the next morning and just walked around
(54)The doctor who comes back to my hospital room
(55)No, you’re walking right. It doesn’t hurt
(56)Yes, please send it home
(57)But I don’t know if I’ll be hospitalized for a couple of days
(58)I want to go home. I’m frustrated
(59)Draw it
(60)I went to the physical therapy room, got a spray treatment, and was discharged
(61)I hate Ringel the most. I don’t know if it’s Lee
(62)Why do you always do that
(63)surgical scars
(64)postoperative X-ray
(65)There’s a hole right now where I put the pin in, so be careful. It’ll take two or three months, and then tell him to come to untangle the thread in two weeks
(66)Two weeks later, please release it No, I’m 11 and HallaGasan can’t work out. You have to be carefulHey, you have to
(67)Please let me go
(68)a month or two
(70)And discharged from the hospital
(71)After a couple of days, I asked them to release the hospital’s seal fast. I was rejected. Of course. After two days, the hospital’s seal has healed a lot. The third request is to release the seal, but it is okay, but I can’t make any effort to make a living. I just told them to go to Hallasan with a seal, so they told them to be careful

A recovery period that broke in January this year and pulled out the iron core in December

I fell off the icy road and broke my ankle, so I had surgery

I had surgery, but it didn’t hurt at all

I walked around a month later and the doctor would see me and get mad

Applause from hospital staff

Originally, I was supposed to get rid of iron core a year later, but I was unemployed and free, so let’s do it this time. I got the surgery in early January because I wanted the surgery date

But I thought it would be better to do it now because I had time left, so I wanted to get surgery in December

The next day, the doctor walked around and left the hospital right away

And I asked you to untie the thread because I’m going to climb Hallasan Mountain in January 2024, but you refused

He proved himself. He likes to work out, so he does various things

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