The reason why Daejong Building in Teheran-ro, Samseong-dong, Gangnam, Seoul has become an abandoned building since 2018

Don’t think that buildings are strong. Buildings are all different.

It is best to avoid buildings built in the late 80s or early 90s.

In 2018, a pillar was observed crumbling during interior construction of a new business moving into the Daejong Building.

Construction was urgently halted and an emergency safety diagnosis was conducted, resulting in an E rating.

Emergency eviction of all occupants overnight

Everyone takes off all their luggage.

Signs of collapse of a 15-story building in Gangnam less than 30 years ago… My heart is pounding at ‘Sampoong Nightmare’

Daejong Building looks fine on the outside, 20% of the pillars are missing and the joints are defective.

Buildings built quickly in the 80s and early 90s raised concerns about simultaneous abnormalities.


At the end of the 1990s


When the first new city was being built in the early 1980s,

sea ​​sand

It is already confirmed that was used.

In the middle of Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, there is an abandoned building that has been closed for six years. This is Daejong Building. The building was surrounded by barricades and fences. On the outside, it was difficult to find any significant differences from the surrounding buildings. At the entrance to the building, there was a ‘no entry to the building notice’ stamped with the seal of the head of Gangnam-gu.

■Safety diagnosis ‘Level A’ changed to ‘Level E’ in 9 months

Daejong Building was completed by Namkwang Construction in October 1991. It has 7 underground floors and 15 above-ground floors, and before its closure, 77 businesses, including small and medium-sized businesses and law offices, moved in.

However, on December 12, 2018, lightning struck the tenants. A sudden eviction was imposed. While interior construction was being carried out on the second floor of the building, it was discovered that the circular pillar on the second floor bulged and the concrete surrounding the pillar collapsed, exposing the steel frame. In addition, the building was shaking and making loud noises, and the cracks grew larger, so the tenant company, sensing danger, reported it to the Gangnam-gu Office.

As a result of an emergency safety diagnosis conducted by the Seoul Metropolitan Government and Gangnam-gu Office, the lowest grade, ‘Level E’, was obtained. This class requires the building to be immediately discontinued and demolished. The shock was even greater when it was revealed that the safety inspection conducted by Gangnam-gu Office just 9 months ago had received the highest grade, Grade A.

At the time, an official from Gangnam-gu Office said, “Daejong Building was classified as a ‘small facility under 15 stories’ and was not subject to detailed diagnosis, and although it was visually inspected once every two years, there were no unusual findings,” and was criticized as a ‘blind inspection.’ . Afterwards, the Seoul Metropolitan Government and Gangnam-gu Office ordered the residents to vacate, making the building officially unusable.

■Why hasn’t it been demolished for 6 years?

This building, which caused an uproar in the world as if it would collapse at any moment, still stands in the middle of Teheran-ro, Gangnam. Although six years have passed since it was abandoned, nearby merchants and office workers have long since become insensitive to safety issues.

Mr. A, who runs a street vendor right next to the Daejong Building, said, “In 2018, we made a fuss as if it would collapse and cause a big problem, but now that we are here, it seems like it was no big deal. I feel like I’m going to die because my business doesn’t work right now, but would I be scared of dying because the building collapsed? “I don’t think that will ever happen.” Employees of nearby buildings and stores, including the ‘Justco Tower’ located right next to Daejong Building, are also leading peaceful daily lives without concerns about collapse or safety accidents.

The reason why Daejong Building has not yet decided whether to demolish it is because the interests of more than 70 equity owners are conflicting.

An official from Gangnam-gu Office said, “In May 2019, the district office and the building owner gathered to discuss reconstruction and demolition plans, but they were unable to narrow down their differences.” He added, “As long as the building owners cannot agree, it is difficult for the public to step in and demolish or repair private property.” “It is difficult,” he said. He also said, “To prevent risks, we conduct safety inspections three times a year, and as a result of the inspection on the 2nd of this month, no unusual issues were found.”

Seong-il Cho, a professor of fire and disaster prevention at the University of Seoul, said, “It cannot be said that the Daejong Building will collapse immediately just because it received an E rating, but if a natural disaster such as an earthquake or an external shock occurs, the likelihood of collapse is much greater than that of other buildings.” “If we know that there is a predictable risk, we need to take more active preemptive measures at the city or district office level,” he said.

The 63 Building is a steel-framed building, so it is still strong even after 39 years of use. Although it is underrated due to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, steel-framed buildings are vulnerable to fire.

There are more collapse accidents like the Sampoom Department Store, Seongsu Bridge, and Jeongja Bridge collapses, and there has been no 9/11 terrorist attacks since around 2001, so I think steel-framed buildings are really safe.

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