Hong Myung-bo receives a high salary similar to that of a foreign director.

At the Korea Livestock Association press conference, Lee Im-saeng argued that Korean coaches should also receive a high salary similar to that of foreign coaches, and said that in fact, it was confirmed that coach Hong Myung-bo will receive a high salary.

No specific amount was mentioned.

The difference between the labor intensity of a club professional team coach and that of a national team coach is heaven and earth. As such, the club manager must devote a tremendous amount of time.

But even though he is a less difficult national team coach, his salary is higher? Then I think it would have been difficult to refuse.

Lee Im-saeng said he did not select the two finalist foreign coaches because they did not fit the build-up soccer that Korea pursues.

This is because foreign coaches raise the defensive line or pursue pressure soccer, which does not suit Korea.

Instead, Coach Hong said he was selected because of build-up soccer.

What kind of textbook is Bento Build-up?

High pressure is also part of modern football.

It’s absolutely pathetic. If a person who does not know much about soccer becomes the chairman, the person receiving the authority also does not know much about soccer.

If Korean players have good individual skills like Spanish players, build-up soccer could be the answer, but that is not the reality for Korean players, so I don’t know why they only stick to one. How much do Korean players like back and side passes? This is Korea’s level.

Sometimes a long pass is also an effective means of attack.

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