No matter how much you hate your daughter-in-law, the moment you can’t take your son’s side

Junha eats a lot of chestnuts as a snack

It’s almost time to eat, so do I have to snack like that??

Don’t worry, I have a separate stomach for food.

Not that one

Did you forget that I promised to reward you if I lost belly fat?

Oh, that’s right, you shouldn’t eat it.

(Munhee is dissatisfied with her son)

Ugh, you idiot

how old are you

But I will reward you.

What kind of reward is that? Isn’t it just giving you a raise in pocket money?

He said he bought me a car.

Do you know how big that guy is?

Now that I’m thinking about it, I need to exercise to get rid of what I ate.


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