(SOUND)While refueling, I got into a fight with a crazy woman who was smoking a cigarette.







This just happened. After filming the smoking video, I immediately went over and asked what would happen if I smoked while refueling, and instead of putting out the cigarette, he walked away and continued smoking again.

So, when I told him to put out his cigarette one more time, he got irritated and put out his cigarette, then started yelling at me, asking me why I was talking like that.

I asked him if he would be responsible if the gas station exploded, and he said he would. When I asked him how he could take responsibility for someone who was already behind, he became confused for a moment and then started screaming and going crazy.

When I reported it to the police right away, they told me to report it to the Kookmin Shinmun Center as it was not under their jurisdiction. I heard that the fine was revised to less than 5 million won, but it seems to be pointless.

Afterwards, I received a lot of calls, including 110 and 120.

If you look at the gas station CCTV and my video, you will be able to identify them, but I want to educate them somehow by fining them.

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