Comments on the news interviewing the famous porn star couple

Manuel Ferrara and Kayden Cross
a famous couple known as the Brangelina couple in the porn industry
They’re the best in the industry and they’re well-known couples
Of course, you might think that the responses to the comments are good,

The difference between being a porn star and being an astronaut is huge

The way the American media justifies the pornography industry is ridiculous

Whenever your parents embarrass you, think of these couple’s children
I don’t care about their jobs, but every time they grow up, it’s a big risk

It’s the weirdest and most disgusting comment I’ve ever heard that I met her because I started my porn career
A more terrible love story than Twilight

I just feel sorry for their children
Overseas doesn’t seem to have a very positive view of people working in the sex industry
There’s still an invisible barrier

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