A good tip. Unexpectedly, you don’t know the rules when your finger is cut off

There’s gonna be a ton of blood coming out there
Most of them will use a hemostatic to scare the blood away
But you should never use a hemostatic agent. You can’t have joint surgery later on;;
Don’t use a hemostatic agent. Just use a bandage to stop the bleeding
Hemostatic agents block the bleeding area altogether, clogging the blood vessels, but later it becomes impossible to connect the blood vessels again during joint surgery
Also, don’t use hemostatic agents for cut fingers. Cover them with clean plastic to prevent germs and keep them cold
Surprisingly, if you do well in the early stages, the probability of finger amputation and reattaching is 90 or higher
In particular, Incheon-side hospitals, where industrial complexes are concentrated, are home to masters of joint surgery

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