Japan’s trade deficit in August is 28 trillion won

In August, Japan’s trade balance was about 2.8173 trillion yen, a deficit of 27.9394 trillion won

The dollar = 145 yen was breached and the foreign exchange market was intervened for the first time in 24 years. A bottomless pit
As the yen soared to 14589 yen against the dollar in the New York foreign exchange market, the Bank of Japan began to intervene in the foreign exchange market on the 22nd The Japanese government bought yen in dollars The yen fell to 140 yen for a moment. Overseas foreign exchange dealers, who bought and sold yen and dollars, flinched by the Japanese government’s intervention. Japan, which has a foreign exchange reserve of $1.2921 trillion, said it would prevent the yen from falling below 145 yen

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