The most successful man in the world, helping a country boy.

Climant Borosilov
When I was in Bolsheviks, my roommate was a Georgian country boy.
He’s from Georgia, so he’s always defending a friend who’s not fluent in Russian and can’t speak well.
He’s from Georgia, so he’s always defending a friend who’s not fluent in Russian and can’t speak well.
Then the Georgian villager later became Stalin, the Soviet leader.
Borosilov ascended to his enemy.
I think they were really best friends when they went on a private trip.
Stalin’s joke, “You’re a British spy,” ended without a hitch.
When Stalin blamed Borosilov for coming back from defeat, you killed all the competent officers with a great purge! Even if you throw a plate, it’ll end up being demoted.
All the executives who were watching were trembling to death.

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