The difference between Korean and Japanese kiss scenes

(0)I love the kiss scene of Korean dramas
(1)There are two people, kissing and close-up

(2)N and S ends, right?

(3)The kiss scene in the Korean drama is

(4)He’s really good at taking pictures

(5)He’s a little bit more
(6)Before I kiss you, I kiss you for a long time

(7)Rather than kissing, the posture and nuance

(8)I take it very carefully
(9)- The kiss scene in Japan
(10)904257 The jawline and

(11)I have pretty hands
(12)Site port 5

(13)He’s called a kiss master

(14)He’s been raising his skills every year
(15)The U.S. 75470-

(16)Gong Yoo, I’ve been a fan for more than 10 years
(17)He has big hands

(18)All the way
(19)The actress’s face looks so small
(20)So on the actress’ cheeks

(21)If this person’s hand touches it, it’s 3

(22)He’s very inclusive
(23)It’s too

(24)Siri Port U.S. 757

(25)Siri Port U.S. 3570

(26)- Very



(29)Most Korean dramas have long kiss scenes
(30)In Japan

That’s great

(35)And the state of it

(36)It’s Daji

(37)I don’t think it’s allowed


(39)It’s stuck



(43)Japanese dramas always end with い違の


(45)Muji City

(46)I would have liked it 10 years ago

(47)Is there anyone like that?
(48)(Laughing) (Laughing)


(50)With my lips



(53)Usually, I say, “You know what I’m chewing”
(54)If you take it like this
(55)7570 U.S.A
(56)You know how to chew a lot! That

(57)Japanese dramas end like this
(58)It’s blurred out. 3

(59)Is the quality of the video different from that of Japan?




(63)I think I’m using an expensive camera

(64)Instruction 27 3570


(66)There’s a great atmosphere on the camera
(67)It’s only focused on the dead, WC

(68)I asked the cameraman the other day. He was a bit expensive
(69)The Earth is 7570 minutes old


(72)It’s different
(73)Say it

(74)It’s different with 20 lenses. 10


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