The characteristics of a handsome guy that women like

(0)The man that women like the most these days is their boyfriend

(0)Today, I’m going to tell you exactly what “jjin-ta” means

(0)First, you have to be handsome

(0)When we say Jjindda, we often wear glasses, pimples, glasses, and so on

(0)I’m not belittling your looks

(0)I’m just saying it as it is

(0)No, I’m thinking about real people

(0)That’s not the ideal type of person a woman talks about

(0)The handsome “warm” cute
in front of you

(0)I’m JIN-dda, who has positive reviews about my appearance

(0)I said it’s not appearanceism It’s about appearance first
And everybody does

(0)What’s the killing point here?

(0)He doesn’t know if he’s cute, handsome, or warm-hearted

(0)I don’t know he’s popular

(0)He’s handsome, but he’s handsome I didn’t even think about it

(0)I’m talking about someone who doesn’t know that he’s handsome or popular

(0)I’m a nerd because I don’t know things like this

(0)And the second one doesn’t mean that Jinta is nice

(0)A real boyfriend may not have a funny personality

(0)But it’s fun to observe them

(0)They don’t know what’s going on, so mugwort is fun

(0)It’s fun to teach them that. It’s fun to tease them

(0)It’s not that they’re funny

(0)When I’m with them, it’s good and fun to teach them things like that

(0)But the funny thing is that these guys are neither obedient nor nice

(0)He’s very stubborn.
But it’s not weird

(0)He has his own straightforward stubbornness

(0)And I live in Sinchon now, and I drink a lot in Apgujeong or Gangnam

(0)So, if I say I’m drinking in Apgujeong today, I’ll say, “If I talk, I’ll say

(0)”Why are you going all the way to Apgujeong to drink?” He said like this

(0)Most people think Apgujeong is hot.
I think I can go there and drink.

(0)I don’t understand when I think about this

(0)And you shouldn’t have many friends around you

(0)I hate being an insider Really

(0)I’m stuck at home, so I don’t care if I play games or do anything

(0)I don’t go out and like to do things by myself. I hope so

(0)And real guys don’t wear perfume

(0)I love the smell of fabric softener
The smell in my body

(0)I mean, they don’t dress up

(0)It’s very neat. Jeans and sweatshirts. Anyone can tell that I’m wearing a natural outfit

(0)It suits you so well

(0)And the black horn-rimmed glasses that I sometimes wear

(0)When I study, I put my hair back

(0)I don’t want to know idol bands that are popular these days

(0)What are you doing on the weekend?

(1)Play with me
(2)The guy you’re dating is almost there

(3)Oh my gosh. Already! Please wait five minutes
(4)It’s okay. It’s coming out slowly

(5)And the way I speak is also spelled and spacing is all right

(0)The door is open Thank you. Thank you for your hard work today

(1)1106 PM

(2)Go home safely~ I was so energized and comfortable because you were there today. Thank you~~ LOL You worked so hard until late at night. Sleep well and see you tomorrow

(3)1108 p.m.
It was helpful and comfortable for you, even a little bit.
I’m glad if you’re on my side, too!! – Thank you. – Good night!


(5)Even if you act cute, you can use basic emoticons. Not random things

(0)A buzzword or abbreviation, “Nonononono”

(0)”Not this is so delicious”. “It’s so delicious”

(0)So even though it’s light, it gives off a mature feeling

(0)And I’m shy about taking selfies

(0)I hope you like listening to calm overseas pop songs like YouTube lists

(0)And this could be a little bit like 19 gold, but

(0)We could sleep together

(0)I wish I’d be more embarrassed if I wore a little sexy underwear

(0)But I still like it.
I hope you’ll be surprised again

(0)In some ways, I know and am good at it

(0)But like it’s my first time

(0)I haven’t done much, but I’m good at it

(0)You have to be born with this, too

(0)I’ll summarize the characteristics of these guys

(0)The real handsome guy that women like
1 Handsome or handsome
You shouldn’t know
2 Your own right stubbornness

(1)3 Personality may not be fun, but the reaction should be fun. 4 Shortened, not using buzzwords. 5 Insider, no, no
(2)6 Not perfume
Fabric softener smell

(3)7 Neat and
Minimal Clothing Style
8 Spacing Spelling
9 Polite
I haven’t done it a lot, but I’m good at it


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