Hot tips for prostitution these days

(1)Hello There are more people who are interested in prostitution than I thought. I’d like to share some stories and tips on that First of all, you need to know some knowledge to do sex trade
(2)Prostitution is active in Europe, and prostitution is very difficult in other countries Yes, Korea
(3)First of all, there’s a tower and a castle type Tower type is mainly used to store supplies and weapons inside to put sentries and archers on top
(4)The transportation location is not good, but it is very cheap at around 75,000 euros. It is an item that is sold as a sudden sale and can be owned by about KRW 105 million. You can live in person, decorate it for AirBNB, or place a lease on a deposit basis, and invest in Gap

(1)The reconstruction seems urgent because it is a fairly old sale of 1.45 million euros, about 200 million won a year, but the price is about twice as much as every water above because of its historical value and surrounding infrastructure Now let’s find out about Castle

(1)About 1 million euros. 1.4 billion won

(1)Men prefer actual combat formation, but because of its size, it doesn’t come out well for sale, so there are quite a few people looking for a palace type like this for a reasonable compromise with their wives But it’s always expensive to be pretty even when I see it. It’s 4.9 billion won

(1)Those of you who have fought in the siege will know, but the production of goods in the fortress is a very important factor A cliff, infrastructure monitoring tower, archer deployment, everything else is a practical castle
(2)If you sell it after acquiring it with about 14.2 billion won or put a lease on a deposit basis and approach it with a gap, you can become a dreamer of a man’s life at a fairly low price
(3)When selling sex, you should always check the water pressure because the part you should be careful about is a high floor compared to the age, and if you miss this part, the pump facility costs a lot of money Also, if you sell without looking at the actual sale, there are cases where it is a Chinese centralized food sale such as XX Castle, not the above castle, so make sure to look at it and sell it

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