Hyundai Motor Group’s new employee group chat room jpg

image text translation

(1)4 95 95 AM 1103
(2)1 The personnel operator is free to talk to new employees Talk to them. Anonymous Kakaotalk group chat room is Palm Hyundai Motor Group Onboarding Training Day
(3)2 Complaints from new employees that everyone agrees with are flooding annual salary welfare, etc.
(4)3 The personnel manager said that at first, he/she coolly passed by saying, “Free Atmosphere~^^.”
(5)4 Eventually, there was an uncontrollable riot
(6)5 Whether the personnel operator eventually felt a sense of crisis Operation differently from the original purpose of opening~~ Saying that it was closing and exploding
(7)Hello HMGO Share ▼
(8)Small business Reply to the struggle Who wants to go with me
(9)Everyone’s already using it
(11)The salary of the low salary But we’re the only ones with this salary
(12)Hanul left
(13)It’s similar to Lotte’s salary, but now it’s
(14)Fighting Let’s go to Samsung Hanik~~
(15)Park’s salary man I couldn’t go to Samsung Hanik
(16)You’re here lol
(17)It’s impossible to talk
(18)Hello HMGO Share –
(19)Route 920
(20)Operator Announcement Chat Room will be closed because it is operated differently from the original purpose of opening An important announcement is made by text message
(21)We’ll give it to you. Please stay with us with the various contents we prepared Thank you
(22)920 a.m
(23)The purpose of the initial opening and Tingbang
(24)Operate and close
(25)Notice has been registered I’m the operator Gongjichae differently 目 Check the posts
(26)(Laughing) (Laughing)
(28)ID ㅇ님이 left
(29)I want a taste of modernity
(30)94 a.m.


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