I begged my girlfriend by mistake

image text translation

(1)I begged my girlfriend by mistake
(2)04f0732f 55 hours ago 13134
(3)It’s a bit long because I’m rambling
(4)I have a girlfriend who works at a waxing shop
(5)Last week, we had a drink after part-time work and talked about waxing
(6)I asked how much it was, and they told me the price, but it was really expensive
(7)I searched if it’s cheap to do it by myself at home, and I thought I should do it by myself because it’s not that expensive
(8)If it’s your first time waxing, it’s good to do it at the salon. If you do it yourself, it can cause skin problems
(9)But it’s so expensive that I think I can say that it’s too much spending for a college student who works part-time. I just need to study while watching YouTube today
(10)My girlfriend said, “Then I’ll do it at your house with a self-kit. You pay for the drinks today.”
(11)But then you’re looking at my Juji 1 and you’ll be surprised, so I’m like, “I’ll be calm.”
(12)I asked what I should buy, and he told me to buy something
(13)I stammered and looked it up on the internet, and he came to the next seat and told me
(14)I got it delivered on the internet and texted my friend yesterday
(15)I’ll go home after work, so I’ll wash every corner and order a chicken
(16)She said to rip off the fur and the drumsticks while watching
(17)When I saw the message, I suddenly got nervous and I think something went wrong
(18)I thought it wouldn’t hurt if I opened it while looking at Seung Ho
(19)Yesterday was my part-time day off, so I played Roland games all day long at home, but after watching American dramas, it’s already dinner
(20)I went to the shower room, soaped 10 times, ordered chicken, and waited for Seung-ho on Netflix
(21)Kneeling and bowing, I heard you’re the master of painless waxingI said, “Shut up and open up, you punk!”
(22)As soon as I heard this, I started feeling nervous
(23)I’ve been a female friend for more than 10 years, but I didn’t recognize her as a woman, but it’s the first time in my life that I’m revealing my first magazine today
(24)If you take off the note, you have to wait for a long time without thinking about it Tell them to wait a little while they say customer
(25)Come to think of it, I ordered chicken, turned on Seung-ho, and I didn’t even open the package, so I heard another compliment
(26)When I opened the package, I thought there was a mint chocolate blender and a round button, but I was grinding it with a blender
(27)But if it was a button-melting machine, he told me to take it off and lie on the floor. It’s cold on the floor, so I put a yoga mat on it
(28)taking off one’s pants
(29)He took off his shirt, too
(30)At times like this, you don’t know what to make. It’s awkward
(31)I’m going to sleep
(32)My girlfriend casually pushed my Juji 1 with her latex gloves and said, “If it’s too long, I can’t peel it off, so I’m going to hit the charcoal.” She smiled in front of Juji 1 with kitchen scissors, which was a bit scary
(33)Next, apply sticky paint with an ice cream stick. You said you need to adjust to the pain, so you start from the lower abdomen
(34)I’m explaining, but the wind from his nose was flowing around Juji 1 and it felt like blood was starting to flow without realizing it
(35)Up until this point, I had a happy thought, but I’m going to rip it off. Three, two, one
(36)I almost grabbed the brat’s hair that you were tearing it apart at two
(37)Seriously, John! Me! Year of pain
(38)It really feels like I’m poking my belly fat
(39)I think I made a mistake. Let’s stop here and you go
(40)I was going to say lose
(41)That’s all I can say
(42)I’ll open it again
(43)It really hurt a lot
(44)I didn’t even realize that I was being cursed at
(45)My friend laughs a lot and makes me feel sick, but he’s exaggerating
(46)He said he can endure it well this time
(47)I started to apply it to the roots of the pillar
(48)I wasn’t impressed because I was pushing Jiwoo 1Ji around with the back of my hand
(49)When I tried to hold the pillar, I grabbed Ju 1ji and it hurt a lot until now, but I started to get an erection without realizing it
(50)Since I bite my lips and turn my head, it’s easier to wax
(51)He said he would
(52)If you open it, it will calm down right away, so you told me not to open it
(53)It’s like kicking with your feet
(54)Ah, I was able to do it while eating haha ho ho chicken
(55)Wow, it feels like I got tackled by Jiu1ji while playing futsal
(56)Rip off the muscle wax and press down on that part with your hands
(57)It’s RENGY. It’s a good thing
(58)It’s torn apart and I do the bottom part, too
(59)I think the swelling hurts about 50 times more than the pillar
(60)(Laughing) (Laughing)Anyway, Boo-Bul is so sick that he loses his mind
(61)Yeah, that’s it. You said you’re almost done. Now, if you’re ashamed,
(62)I have to put up to
(63)Kneel down and lie down
(64)To be honest, if I knew this position, I watched it on YouTube
(65)So I did this position skillfully
(66)It was okay because I had to endure the pain less than I thought
(67)I read the story about the person who farted while doing “Ddong Kko Waxing”
(68)Fortunately, there was no Buddha statue
(69)the last step of the problem
(70)It’s the stage where you apply soothing gel to finish off your skin
(71)Applying nutritional supplements and soothing gel to the skin that’s been struggling while trying to peel off the hair
(72)If there’s hair that hasn’t been ripped yet, you can just pull it out with tweezers, which is an important step
(73)I usually wear latex gloves at the salon, but it’s easier to take them off
(74)You said you’d take off your gloves
(75)The soothing gel zone and the slippery and softness
(76)My friend bought belly fat and passed through the perineum of the groin
(77)I’m going to put on 1 Kokasu Billion
(78)I’ve never felt this before. I have to find the fur that hasn’t fallen out
(79)I’m looking at it up close
(80)If you touch the top and bottom with your hand, you’ll keep going up and down to see if there’s any hair
(81)To be honest, it’s so stimulating and my hands are soft-headed
(82)I was singing “T-BTS Dynamite”
(83)I looked at my friend’s eyes, and when he smiled, I begged me
(84)My friend laughed and kept sweeping up and down the pillar
(85)If it’s going to be rice, I’ll take it out with my hands
(86)I covered my face with a wannabe and it seemed like my friend was wiping it with a wet tissue, so I was embarrassed
(87)No, I just said I’ll wipe it off
(88)Just lie down. He was covering his face with a pillow
(89)So my first waxing is over
(90)It’s all over, and I want you to wear something loose
(91)I’m sorry I don’t know what to sayI don’t know if I’ll do it
(92)He said it’s okay, but he cleaned it up and told me things to keep in mind
(93)out of earshot
(94)The touch was so soft and the smiling face you saw was pretty
(95)I think he’s pissed off playing at my house again today
(96)4 Not recommended
(97)Interstate Tourism Organization Net Duty Free Shop
(98)Jeju Women’s Jeju Duty Free Shop Show 60 won and 20 discounts by price
(99)10 comments
(100)Five hours ago
(101)It’s a girl who worked on it
(102)I’m going to be your girlfriend
(103)Wow, you’re good at writing novels. This is enough
(104)You’re my goddaughter
(105)Oh, my
(106)Oh, I’m so funny(Laughing) (Laughing)
(107)I went to a waxing shop or a big daughter’s room
(108)You’re so good at writing. Please write more
(109)I need to get waxed from him, tooHaha
(110)That’s so funny (Laughing) (Laughing)


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