Why do you have to exercise?

image text translation

(1)Until people experience pain,
(2)take a healthy physical condition for granted
(3)So we’re going to
(4)If you’re not feeling well, don’t pay attention to your health
(5)Acting and ignoring as if this state would last forever
(6)But most of the time, serious diseases are
(7)There is no pain or discomfort that is particularly felt in the beginning
(8)And then at some point, when the critical point went over,
(9)Pain Comes to You 100
(10)That is, if symptoms start to appear,
(11)That certain diseases are already past their infancy
(12)For example, the body, on average, starts at 25 years old
(13)From the inner wall of the artery that supplies blood to the heart,
(14)The residue is starting to build up
(15)But the blood vessels are about 70 percent clogged
(16)I don’t have any symptoms that I can be aware of course
(17)I don’t realize the seriousness until symptoms appear
(18)And one of the most common causes of death in the world is
(19)Horics, myocardial infarction and stroke
(20)They are all caused by clogged blood vessels
(21)The age of diabetic patients is decreasing every year
(22)Diabetes patients in their 20s are on the rise
(23)Unit name
(24)Diabetes patients in their 20s have been living in the past five years
(25)It increased by 514
(26)And most people in their 20s have diabetes
(27)It’s type 2 diabetes whose lifestyle is a problem
(28)Diabetes also doesn’t feel any special symptoms in the early stages
(29)Most people visit the hospital with complications from diabetes
(30)Complications can vary
(31)The capillaries of the retina are damaged and the eyes become blurred
(32)I have kidney problems and sometimes my legs start to swell
(33)But even so,
(34)People think that the complications of these diseases are serious
(35)I know what to do to prevent it,
(36)do not practice
(37)Because people
(38)It’s because I’m not good at intuitively judging invisible risks
(39)Misunderstanding of the probability of uncertainty
(40)This phenomenon, commonly referred to as the probability of uncertainty misunderstanding,
(41)the trauma that we noticeable to us
(42)or anxiety or caution about accidents
(43)I take it relatively seriously,
(44)10 years and 20 years
(45)The risk of a serious disease that goes on without any particular signal is
(46)Explain the tendency to underestimate
(47)But what we can do for our health is easy and simple
(48)Dr. Frank, a professor of medical life science at the University of Missouri,
(49)The mortality rate of almost all diseases starts with 20 minutes of exercise
(50)If you don’t work out,
(51)to start some kind of exercise
(52)Even if the amount of exercise is very small,
(53)It says it can dramatically reduce mortality in all respects
(54)Pain eats away at the human mind
(55)You are responsible for the consequences
(56)Whether it’s good or bad,
(57)It’s up to you to switch on


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