Dating violence, false accusation legend

image text translation

(1)1 A man was caught by police for assaulting his girlfriend
(2)Lawyer defends 10-15 years in prison
(3)My son is a rapist
(4)That’s where 15 years came from
(5)That’s how much I live for
(6)2 The man asked for CCTV security, saying he was unfair, but the police said they did not
(7)It turned out that the police watched the CCTV and asked the mother to secure it
(8)In the CCTV, there’s a scene where a man is assaulted by a woman
(9)It was on the screen shot
(10)My son is a rapist
(11)The situation of the day on CCTV
(12)Deep On
(13)4 In other words, the police ignored the man’s knowledge that he was the victim, not the perpetrator, and failed to secure a CCTV
(14)5 Not only that, but also conduct a coercive investigation with abusive language
(15)to fabricate evidence and investigative reports
(16)6 C.C.T.V. inside the police station, the police found an innocent victim
(17)The reason I made him the perpetrator is
(18)The president’s order to punish dating violence was issued
(19)Building Performance
(20)From 19 minutes and 35 seconds into the video,
(21)7 The man was released after eight months because the mother even borrowed an election vehicle to release her unfair son
(22)8 Manipulated Police are a simple warning measure
(23)Women who are guilty of assault and innocence are not punished
(24)If you didn’t ask your mom to secure the CCTV,
(25)About 10 years
(26)I think he’s going to be in prison after being sentenced
(27)Now, even if there’s evidence, the police will remove it
(28)The late man
(29)Unconditionally determined to be the perpetrator


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