When I woke up, I became a rarnick

image text translation

(1)Chuu’s conversation with Blockberry B
(2)June, 2022
(3)Something like this (Laughing) What are you saying about a second?
(4)Don’t be affectionate
(5)I’m into this album
(6)I’m not kidding
(7)A similar appearance to “Queendom”. Things like that
(8)Don’t do that
(9)People don’t think about reflecting on themselves
(10)Before spoilers, other groups… Our group fan signing
(11)They don’t know what I’m doing on TV
(12)He doesn’t reply
(13)Everything that happened when I died
(14)I need to die to get a hold of myself
(15)Let me check what’s going on
(16)Dispatch moved the conversation between Chuu and Director B ⓒ#

Did you find it, Chuu?

Dispatch, you punks. You found me

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