Boyfriend. Girlfriend who broke the car

image text translation

(1)I borrowed my boyfriend’s car when I was traveling with my friends
(2)But on my way back today, my friend is driving
(3)It hit the corner
(4)The car was badly injured(Crying)
(5)First of all, my friend told me that there was an accident while driving, but I don’t know how serious it is And the problem is that because of my boyfriend’s personality, I asked who drove
(6)I think he’s trying to figure out how to handle insuranceMy boyfriend thinks we went on a trip with four girls
(7)In fact, we went to the same high school, 2 male and 2 female
(8)I went on a trip The guy who drove was his friend”T”
(9)It’s not a weird relationship. He’s a very comfortable friend. I just went around because I thought my boyfriend would misunderstand, but this happened
(10)I should’ve just said it. I regret it(Crying)
(11)What should I do?


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