Kakaotalk profile likes. It’s a disaster

image text translation

(1)Oh, I’m in a hurry. No, hurry up. Kakao Talk profile. Please ask me a question
(2)I was spying on my ex-girlfriend’s profile picture, and there was a number on the bottom, and I touched it, and the number went up. I was about to cancel it, but it went up again. What is this? I know what I pressed. It’s really making this function
(3)☆ Scrap

image text translation

(1)Who is it? (Laughing)
(2)An anonymous writer
(3)I’m so mad. I can’t cancel this
(4)If you press it twice fast, it’s canceled
(5)Only the number goes up
(6)It’s a festival!
(7)It’s not crazy(Laughing) (Laughing)be a devil


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