Recent status of application for Go world’s Casak Bread

the semifinals of the Go World Championship

Shin Jin Seo vs. Lee Xu. I don’t do it

Rishuan Hao literally put it on Shin Jinseo

Shin Jinseo was overwhelmingly No. 1 in the world

Li Xuanhao studied only Goai without much exchange with other knights

A sudden rise in skills at the age of 27 is the age at which the heyday of Go players will be dampened if they are in their late 20s

A lot of people were suspicious and couldn’t see it

Yang Ding-shin’s professional driver asked for a snack

I was originally going to post it tomorrow, but I’ll just post it now. I’m not Lishan. I suggest 20 consecutive matches against you There’s no limit

You don’t go to the bathroom where all the lights are off, you play one round a day to prevent cheating At the end of the 20th round, I will release the record and get everyone’s evaluation, and if everyone who saw it thinks you are innocent, I will retire from the Go world after the LG ship

Yang Ding-shin is currently in the semifinals of the LG Cup and is scheduled to be in the semifinals with Shin Jin-seo

How dare you accept this offer? Good night

Summary: Let’s play 20 games in a place without radio waves. If it’s true, it’ll be easy to compare the score with this match

the present situation

And the top line. Probably notification from the origin

I received an order from the top of the interpretation The competition will be held on 7th, and if it does not proceed, I will not be able to continue the LG ship either

If it doesn’t work out, I’ll post it again

Top 20 is too much and takes a long time There is also a world competition in February, so do it seven times

Li Xuanhao is also on the list of Chinese representatives of the Asian Games Go, which was postponed due to COVID-19

If you want to cut it, you have to cut it quickly

Rishuan Hao is still closing his mouth

a three-line summary

I’m so good at artificial intelligence

While almost everyone is suspicious of China’s top go rankers, Yang Ding-shin 20th Chesak Bread Application

The top said, “Let’s do 20 times more than 7 times,” and even got a de facto permission

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