the identity of a scholarship in college

image text translation

(1)Tyler’s First Challenge
(2)Vermont State University
(3)Is it the University of Chicago?
(4)The disagreement was pretty serious
(5)If you go to a state university, you’ll only have to pay this much
(6)You can spend time with your family
(7)I went to the University of Chicago and paid a lot of tuition
(8)If you can’t see it, why do you send it?
(9)I was thinking about how to persuade this situation
(10)There’s another letter
(11)Oh, oh, oh.
(12)They’re giving us a scholarship
(13)SHELL! Wow, it’s so
(14)Tyler’s Challenge
(15)Thanks to that mysterious letter,
(16)Tyler to the University of Chicago
(17)And I was attending there on a scholarship
(18)I thought things were gonna be okay at my house
(19)I’m going to school on a scholarship, so there’s nothing hard
(20)less than 16 for existing tuition
(21)It’s a small amount of money that you can just send
(22)But for some reason, my dad kept
(23)They didn’t send me the tuition
(24)I called my dad
(25)It’s not that big of a money
(26)Why is it always delayed?
(27)I was looking for professors and begging
(28)Please let me take the class
(29)What’s the point of doing this?
(30)I’m angry
(31)Riley’s First Challenge
(32)It happens many times
(33)Okay, okay. I’ll send it
(34)Tyler’s Challenge
(35)But after a while, I got a call
(36)Anxiety MAX
(37)From my uncle
(38)That’s the scariest word
(39)You never got a scholarship
(40)That’s the letter your dad wrote
(41)It’s to convince the family
(42)I wanted to send my son to a good school
(43)Your severance pay
(44)That’s how I used it beforehand
(45)So the financial crisis broke out
(46)It’s time for him to focus on his life
(47)My uncle paid for it
(48)That’s why my uncle told me to become an adult
(49)The fact that he created a financial burden on his father
(50)It was so shocking, to be honest
(51)Of course, I’m so thankful now
(53)That’s what I’m thankful for
(54)But I was really shocked back then


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