Fan left her mom pretending to be nice

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(1)If you look at the title, I might look like the world’s best unfaithful girl,
(2)I can’t live with my mom because we don’t get along
(3)It hasn’t been long since I got married, so my mom became alone, so my husband first
(4)He asked me to live with him, so I was thankful and lived with him
(5)I think I have a disease where my mom has to be a good person every time
(6)Do you know when someone wants to talk to you on the street?

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(1)You have to listen to what I’m saying and give it if they ask for donations
(2)If you make eye contact with a homeless person, you have to pay him
(3)I told you not to do that many times
(4)It’s not a rich house. My mom doesn’t work
(5)But you always tell me that you won’t do that next time
(6)When that happens,
(7)How can you not drink when you meet eyes with a person?
(8)I didn’t go up the subway stairs
(9)Make sure you find the money and put it in the homeless basket
(10)I’m just so annoyed that I have to do that in everything
(11)I don’t want to add anything to my life. I have to do it to others
(12)After paying him that much, he looked like he was a good person

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(1)I don’t want to see such a superior expression
(2)I had to go down to Gangneung from Seoul yesterday
(3)My mom said she wanted to go with me, so I drove them
(4)After finishing work, I ate at the restaurant before I left
(5)An old lady asked me to buy her gum
(6)My mom opened my bag again
(7)I said something to my mom and looked at her
(8)Then, I met my grandmother’s eyes. She said, “I have to buy it for her.”
(9)They gave me 2,000 won But that was the valet fee for my car
(10)Before I went into the restaurant, I asked my mom if she had anything to buy for me
(11)If I didn’t have it, I was going to go find money and my mom said it was 2,000 won
(12)And then I gave him the money to buy gum

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(1)I was so mad that I asked what I was going to do with Valet B, and he told me to get it on atm
(2)I walked 10 minutes to the bank on a hot day
(3)It’s not my bank
(4)I paid the commission, pulled the money, found the car at the valet
(5)At that moment, the top went around so much that I didn’t pick up my mom
(6)There’s a valet driver, too
(7)My mom tried to open the passenger’s door
(8)I just walked away, and he stopped running
(9)I blocked my mom’s phone and came back to Seoul
(10)My mom came home early in the morning
(11)You haven’t talked to me and I haven’t either
(12)I told my husband that I went too far

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(1)I told my mom that I wouldn’t let her talk to me talked to her
(2)If I’m a bad girl, I’ll listen to her
(3)But I really can’t see you live like that anymore
(4)Don’t just swear at your daughter I think it’s enough to be angry You don’t know if you don’t
(5)Come on, Sunny. People who curse here are abused and are pointing fingers at a child shouting at his parents for being a pariah. I know that mother’s superior expression. It makes me sick
(6)Best Regards, 202007040032
(7)You have to live separately and keep some distance between your parents and children to be affectionate to each other whenever you meet them
(8)Pros and Cons Battle ㅇ 2020070323 View all >
(9)Don’t live like that. If your mom killed someone or did something bad, you should try to understand. If you were like me, you were abandoned by your daughter for helping thousands of won. How hard did you live without me? If you don’t think someone who’s helped you in the world knows how to help others

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