You touched a girl with a boyfriend. ㅈAlmost became her boyfriend

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(1)17. I almost became a boyfriend. ㅈI almost became a boyfriend
(2)① 16 minutes ago
(3)1024 a
(4)On the way home from work,
(5)Yes, it’s already cold
(6)1057 a
(7)Let’s go
(9)It did go in well
(10)I don’t know if you left a mark on your neck
(11)It was a problem because I was so it was a problem
(12)1113 a
(13)On my neck
(14)I don’t think I did anything
(15)It was okay
(16)1114 a.m
(17)I covered it with concealer
(18)1132 a
(19)Wow, that’s
(20)1135 a

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(1)While living with my boyfriend,
(2)There’s a girl I’ve met a few times
(3)Was it 2am? Guardian Tales, a new mobile game came out, but I didn’t push the previous one either
(4)I went in to taste the story, but I thought it was annoying and turned it off again
(5)He suddenly called me
(6)I went home after hanging out with my friend
(7)I think he said he was going to pick me up if I wasn’t sleeping
(8)Just wash your face, get dressed, and wait in front of your house Got in the car
(9)I was looking for a room here after he left for the motel village in his car
(10)He suddenly touched my gear instead of a car
(11)I can’t stay still, so I touch the scissors that stick out between the seat belts
(12)Maybe it’s because it’s closer that day, but it’s bigger than usual, so I’m very satisfied with the touch
(13)On the way, there are rooms filled up everywhere I call
(14)He suddenly moved his car to a corner and parked it
(15)He zipped me down, took out the jujube, and just bit me

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(1)I was feeling it with my hair curled up
(2)He said he was in a hurry and wanted to go back
(3)I got a new Sorento car. It feels different from my dirty car seat
(4)I was jealous and happy
(5)Anyway, I let him have his wish come true
(6)It’s very light pink, so it comes up when you wash it well
(7)Whenever I come up, I feel a sense of accomplishment. ZZZZZZZ
(8)It feels like I’m squeezing a pimple that’s not salty. It’s fun to feel it after a long time
(9)Anyway, when I’m sitting down, he’s on top of me and he’s following me
(10)She was living with her boyfriend, and she took pictures of what she was so frustrated about
(11)After being squeezed, I patted him on the cheek and took him home
(12)When I got off the elevator,
(13)I got so wet and then I got so dry
(14)Anyway, I called him the next day
(15)I guess I left a mark on his neck without realizing it. ㄸ

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(1)My boyfriend is 190cm tall and he worked out, so he said he’d screw me if he got caught
(2)So I haven’t talked to him for a while
(3)And a few weeks later,
(4)I’ll call him back and ask him to see me
(5)I thought that if I didn’t say anything after this much time, I wouldn’t have gotten caught
(6)It’s been a while since I’ve been attracted to him, so I decided to meet him after saying
(7)But if I think about it, I think the way he talks was a bit different
(8)I should’ve noticed at this time
(9)Anyway, he came to pick me up in front of my house and left
(10)It was his car, but he didn’t open the window and said nothing
(11)It was dark because it was night and my house was in an alley
(12)I just opened the front door because I was sure he was dumped
(13)But then a bearded old man the size of Dwayne Johnson sat down and looked at me
(14)I should’ve run away then, but I was stunned and stiffened on the momentarily
(15)You know it’s a flashlight, right? All sorts of thoughts go through the stars in your head
(16)That’s what I felt

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(1)In just a few seconds, the situation was complete in my head
(2)It’s a trap. My boyfriend got it all figured out, pretended to be private, sent me a message and called me out
(3)At that moment, the Johnson brother said to me in a low voice like Maseokdo, “Tai Sibalum
(4)I didn’t even think I should run away because I was scared. No, I felt like I would be caught somehow and pestered more even if I ran away, so I sat next to me like a man possessed by something
(5)He drove me to somewhere dark for a few minutes without saying anything.k.a
(6)I kept turning the steering wheel to the point where I wondered if there was a road like this even though it was in my neighborhood
(7)I was shaking because I was scared
(8)Ten minutes later, the car stopped in an open parking lot that could only be seen in places like Alpoint
(9)I already knew everything
(10)I’m really sorry. I’m sorry. I keep repeating it like I’m saying a spell
(11)He sighed a lot
(12)Hey, you punk! When did you date?
(13)That’s how you ask

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(1)I stuttered for a moment
(2)He was pretending to hit me with a fan-shaped hand like a dog’s-zone or a big weapon
(3)”Haha, I’ve only met you once or twice.” “I’m sorry!!!” I bowed my head, apologizing so loudly, and I hit my head in the passenger seat. I must have been out of my mind because the situation itself was so scary
(4)I wonder if this was how King Injo felt when he hit his head against a stray cat in front of Namhansanseong Fortress during the Joseon Dynasty
(5)But what can I do? I just gave up on leaving my life to him
(6)At that moment, he exhaled a moment bigger than before
(7)”What did you do in this car, punk?
(8)He was like this
(9)I said “yes” and I equivocated it
(10)He knows what he did with that rag and this car, so if you don’t want to go through, tell him the truth
(11)So I just kissed him and touched his chest, and I thought he’d really kill me if I lied to him all the time, and I thought he was talking to me after seeing all the black boxes
(12)After listening to me, he suddenly asked me to close my eyes with my molars on

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(1)It’s like a mouse in front of a lion, but he was beaten until he searched for anything, and he closed his eyes thinking it was best to sue and make a settlement later
(2)But something suddenly came into my mouth
(3)When I opened my eyes in embarrassment, it was too late to pick up or run away because his electric eel had already been poking through my mouth
(4)Then he grabbed my hand and forced me to take it to his nipple and turn it around, and I thought it would really suck anymore, so I poured out all my strength and tried to shake it off, but I couldn’t handle it with my strength, eeee


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