Surprisingly, the actor didn’t want to film the scene.

image text translation

(1)Spanyard, you’re so famous.
(2)worth your salt
(3)I don’t think there’s a computer company.
(4)Take off your helmet and reveal your real name.
(5)There must be a name.
(6)My name is gladiator.
(7)How dare you show your back to Jim?
(8)Take off your helmet.
(9)Reveal your name.
(10)My name is Maximus.
(11)Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Army.
(12)He was Pelic’s general.
(13)It was the loyalty of Emperor Aurelius.
(14)The father of the son who burned him to death.
(15)to be the husband of one’s disgraced wife
(16)I’ll get back at you for sure.Even if I live!
(17)If it doesn’t work, it’s porridge.

a movie gladiator

Actor Russell Crowe saw the script for the scene and argued with the director, saying, “Why is the line so childish?”

The director was stubborn, so he ended up grumbling and filming that scene.

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