the heart of an old maid who couldn’t get married.

image text translation

(1)When I see a friend who’s married and living well,
(2)It’s a really bad idea.
(3)Wanting to break up the family.
(4)When you don’t have friends, when you only have a husband.
(5)I went in, took off all my clothes, and seduced him.
(6)I want to break it down.
(7)I feel like a dog’s baby is bragging on Instagram to make me feel unhappy.
(8)I’m just thinking about getting married in my 20s.
(9)What confidence made me last until my 30s?
(10)I’m not that pretty, but I’m going to marry someone in my 20s.
(11)After the wedding break up, I’m out of my mind.
(12)Just one of my friends gets caught, and I’ll destroy the family.


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