Unbiased people.jpg

image text translation

(1)Gathering Pre-Enlistment Information
(2)I’m going to go home country.
(3)two gold medals
(4)You’re wearing a hair tie. Exemption. No.

image text translation

(1)Food Fighter Tokyo Tuna Sushi
(2)Tummy fat! Is it good?
(3)They’re speaking Japanese. Are they Japanese?
(4)Food Fighter Tokyo Tuna Sushi
(5)He’s Japanese.

image text translation

(1)The lunch lady who was very curious.
(2)Nathan! Come here!
(3)a school lunch lady
(4)Which Cho clan are you?

image text translation

(1)Personality and individual. Two years as he is.
(2)an interstellar guardian
(3)She must be my girlfriend. She’s not leaving me.

image text translation

(1)Find Padner.
(2)Complete the harmony!
(3)Did you get married?
(4)Did you hear the best song?
(5)Saturday night 905
(6)I couldn’t go. I didn’t.
(7)Saturday night 905
(8)It was so hard to break up in 2019.
(9)Saturday night 906
(10)with a woman and a fly
(11)Saturday night 906
(12)A woman and a man.
(13)Saturday night 905
(14)an unbiased rural society

image text translation

(1)a movie theater in the movie theater
(2)What movie do you want to watch?
(3)Package three benefits.
(4)The Avengers.
(5)Are you a member?
(6)If you’re a member of Megabox, it’s really cheap.
(7)3 benefits in a package.
(8)Are you two a couple?
(9)Then, something changes.
(10)I’ll put you in the movie spot on Megabox.
(11)Three benefits are turned into a package

image text translation

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(1)I won’t cut it.
(2)Because of the smell of skate.
(3)I can’t take it at all.”
(4)We don’t sell it.
(5)You eat skate really well.
(6)It’s my first time seeing it, too.
(7)”If you’re a person in Jeolla-do, you should eat it.”
(8)I’m from Jeolla-do.
(9)M October
(10)Namwon Gate of the National Chamber of Commerce
(11)”Are your parents from Jeolla-do?”

image text translation

(1)Charles the Neighbourhood
(2)Charles the Neighbour
(3)My neighbor’s Chalstop for a day.
(4)Don’t speak Japanese.
(5)We have to say it!
(6)Neighbourhood Charles Harmony
(7)It started in Japan.To Korea.
(8)be next door Charles
(9)Because it’s Soho Miss?
(10)Hi! It’s Somades.
(11)It’s cute.
(12)Neighborhood School
(13)Byul said not to do it in Japan. She’s fluent in Japanese.


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