If you order Zero Cola, I’ll give you Coke.

image text translation

(1)I work at a theater.
(2)When skinny girls ask for diet coke, normal coke zoom. Hahaha.
(3)Don’t ever do that.
(4)Every time I see something like this, I get really angry.
(5)If you work in a movie theater and do this, you’re not worthy of respect.
(6)My brother has type 1 diabetes.
(7)When my family goes to the movie theater, my family always gives my brother a diet drink.
(8)If he wants a normal drink, tell him we’re not giving him an insulin shot, and if he drinks a normal soft drink, his blood sugar level could soar and he could fall into a coma, go blind, or, at worst, die.
(9)If someone gives my brother a regular drink instead of a diet drink without telling us, he’ll be responsible for killing or maiming my 9-year-old brother.Just thinking about this makes me angry, and I’m just scared to imagine that anyone who works in a movie theater would do the same to my brother.
(10)Please, I hope a lot of people know a lot about this.
(11)I hope baristas understand.
(12)Do you want me to tell you a funny story about baristas doing this?
(13)I’m not lactose intolerant, but I’m recovering from a long stomach ulcer.
(14)A few years ago, after class, I went to Starbucks and ordered green tea latte with soy milk.
(15)But I don’t know if the barista hated me or hated me for some reason,
(16)You put milk instead of soy milk in the latte you made for me.
(17)Five minutes after the first sip, my stomach started to twist like crazy.
(18)Oh, it’s time to poop! Not the same pain, but the stabbing pain that I’ve already experienced, and knowing what caused it, I grabbed my stomach like crazy and asked the barista why she put milk instead of milk as I wanted, and she sarcastically said she was a white girl drinking soy milk, and if my friends were to recover from my case, my manager was responsible.
(19)The manager flipped over, and the barista realized what he had done wrong and started shaking.
(20)Maybe he thought I was going to sue them, but the manager fired the barista on the spot, as if he wasn’t responsible for this.
(21)Eventually, my friends didn’t help me to get home, but they took three days to recuperate and missed the midterms.
(22)So now you know, guys, if someone wants something unusual like diet or soy milk, it can be life or death, not for appearance.


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