a pharmacist’s guest

(0)Blah blah yesterday

(1)I don’t have Tylenol, so I don’t feel good about giving you other ingredients.
(2)Of course, it’s the same ingredient, the same content
It’s not the same effect, it’s not the same. I asked for Tylenol, so why give me a different one?
There are a lot of people who do this regardless of age.
The effect is the same anyway, but what does it matter
Good 1

(4)Korea Asset Management Corporation
Then you can’t give it to me because you wanted to sell something else, but you said Son-nom.
Good 36

(5)Korea Asset Management Corporation
The same effect or different choice is why you ignore the consumer what they do

(6)Good. 1
E-Land Worlds

(8)Continental Automotive Korea ·
oo I don’t want to take copy medicine
Even if it’s the same, I understand the ingredients, but the effects are completely the same clinically
Go said
It’s the same finasteride ingredient as Proxia and copy medicine

(9)Of course, the people who ask for something else and say without honorifics are the hands.
(10)But from Solka’s point of view, don’t do it if you don’t want to do it. Do it together.
I can go to another pharmacy.
Good 16

How have you been taking prescription drugs in hospitals so far with that mindset? It’s a bunch of drugs lol

(12)Continental Automotive Korea j
Big Comments I can see the angle
Good 20

(13)Noroo paint.
(Laughs) I’m so excited. Go through it. Pharmacist

(14)Don’t be a pharmacist. Even if I’m a customer, I don’t have Tyrannol in stock. It’s the same ingredient, but should I give you a different medicine? If you don’t ask for anything else, I’m suspicious. If you don’t tell me the name of the medicine, I’ll give you a headache pill. If you don’t tell me the name of the medicine, you’ll give it to the company that pushes it.
Good. 25

(15)Should I?
(16)Good. 1
(17)Pharmacist 1
I eat generics as soon as I get heated, but I do Tylenol Samanri and then I turn around.

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